Email Newsletters: 10 Tips For Designing & Building Your Email Newsletters

Great advice from Smashing Magazine about how to design and build your email newsletters:

  1. Respect your reader. Don’t waste their time or attention.
  2. Ask nicely first.
  3. Focus on relevance.
  4. Design with a goal in mind, so that you’ll know if it worked.
  5. Make unsubscribing easy.
  6. Code like it’s 1999 (literally) and use inline CSS.
  7. Always include a plain text version.
  8. Don’t assume that images will be viewed.
  9. Follow the law.
  10. Test everything before sending, because you can’t take it back.

Read the entire article: Design and Build Email Newsletters Without Losing Your Mind (and Soul)

One Reply to “Email Newsletters: 10 Tips For Designing & Building Your Email Newsletters”

  1. Here are my “rules” for email newsletters:

    1. Focus on relevance
    2. State the action you want readers to take, so that you’ll know if it worked
    3. Make unsubscribing very very easy (and automated) so you know you are talking to only the most interested people
    4. Don’t assume that images will be viewed
    5. Newsletters don’t have to be huge, even a single paragraph sharing interesting news and a link is enough sometimes

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