Own An Overdue Stamp? Throw It Away Today You Silly Goose


If you own an overdue stamp then I have good news for you because today you are going to free up that drawer space or deskspace for something else.

By the end of this short article you are going to throw it in the trash because you won’t need it anymore.

First, imagine yourself as an accounts payable clerk sitting quietly at your desk with a pile of email or mail in front of you.

You open the first envelope/email and the document has a big red “OVERDUE” stamp that is shouting at you.

You feel like you were just slapped in the face with a wet fish.

Is that anyway to treat the person who is going to pay you?

It is a deep insult. It is shouting out “You are crap at your job! Paying invoices is easy but somehow you screwed it up! Wow, you really suck!”

That’s a great way to get your invoice shoved to the bottom of the pile because that’s their way of asserting their control over you after you insulted them. They don’t expect to hear from you for another 30 days anyway.

What you really want is for that invoice to be paid, right?

Using an overdue stamp will not help you achieve that goal.

So throw away your “OVERDUE” stamp now and find out how to get late invoices paid.

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